Four Effective Methods for Combating Burnout in Cybersecurity Teams

Four Effective Methods for Combating Burnout in Cybersecurity Teams
Four Effective Methods for Combating Burnout in Cybersecurity Teams

Cybersecurity professionals are becoming overburdened and overworked due to a rising skills shortage and more aggressive and sophisticated adversaries.

SecOps teams are under tremendous pressure to keep firms secure against new threats as cybercriminals continuously alter their attack techniques. Working with siloed technology in frequently overworked teams makes dealing with the continual barrage of threats more challenging.

Every occupation experiences burnout at some point. However, the need for cybersecurity has increased dramatically over the past year, leaving many cybersecurity experts feeling exhausted. It might be challenging to psychologically shift back to a previous frame of mind when burnout occurs. It’s not likely, though. Because of this, cybersecurity companies need to address burnout and take action to both prevent and overcome it.

Including security operations to give teams more authority

Due to the pandemic’s change in business toward digitization and cloud-based remote working, cyber risks have risen across all industries. Traditional, siloed security systems are therefore no longer functional. Instead of offering a single pane of glass view into risks, they force SecOps staff to switch between systems to look for abnormalities or gather valuable data. This reduces their productivity.

Therefore, businesses must invest in an Extended Detection and Response (XDR) architecture that is adaptable, scalable, and open that can natively integrate all of their security technologies into a seamless security operations system. Automation and Machine Learning (ML) can both be utilized to simplify procedures further. Businesses are able to use this to enhance their detection, response, and remediation capabilities, resulting in better, quicker results and enhancing SecOps teams’ productivity.

Spend money on training for new hires

Individuals with around one to two years of experience in the field of technology or cybersecurity, as well as recent college graduates, have a clear appetite for knowledge. It pays well to invest in nourishing that knowledge. Companies should implement a six-month continuous improvement and training program for new cybersecurity employees every year. This program should include internal and external educational courses, technical laboratories, shadowing opportunities, and cross-training. Organizations gain over time by investing in their workforce.

Also Read: Steps IT Security Teams Can Take to Reduce Employee Burnout and Stress

Promote the CISO to the position of CEO-direct report

One of the most crucial cybersecurity lessons learned over the past ten years is that businesses must consider cybersecurity as a necessary evil rather than as a side issue. CEOs are required to evaluate risk and make choices in accordance with that assessment, yet cybersecurity risk is frequently overlooked. Organizations might lose millions of dollars to cyber-attacks due to lost productivity, stolen Intellectual Property (IP), or even ransom fees. Every cybersecurity expert is aware that a corporation will be targeted; it is only a matter of when.

The communication of the gravity of cybersecurity concerns is a significant problem for CISOs without a direct channel of contact with the CEO. It is a challenging message to be delivered to an executive who may not have been open to the conversation in the first place. A CISO may not be able to get the resources required to operate a successful security program if they are unable to communicate the demands of cybersecurity effectively.

The workload for each security team member rises when resources are few. Enterprises can remove this communication barrier by having the CISO report directly to the CEO, ensuring that CEOs are informed of the entire scope of cyber risk they face, and allocating resources appropriately. 

Give credit and training

Leadership is responsible for taking care of personnel if resources are not available to reduce the workload for cybersecurity teams. Self-value may be cultivated by leaders and peers who compliment someone on a job well done without offering any financial compensation.

Offering certificates for training can help leadership approach the same issue from two different perspectives. The credentials increase their sense of self-worth, lessen the knowledge gap, and may even lessen skepticism. The leaders themselves need to examine their leadership style most seriously. Leaders need to know how to run a staffing-constrained organization.

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