Four Key Ways Enterprises Can Benefit from Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat

For enterprises, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) has become crucial today. Threat intelligence is used by businesses to thwart and protect their IT infrastructure from a variety of internal and external attacks. Threat intelligence assists firms in identifying a variety of cyber risks that could affect their operations. Prioritizing these hazards enables firms to implement defensive measures to mitigate the risks.

Every organization in the modern digital world is linked to the internet. Their use of technology to deliver services is extensive. However, sophisticated methods are being used by hackers to obtain company data.

Data breaches are happening more frequently now. According to the Ponemon IBM Cost of a Data Breach report, the average cost of a data breach is $242 per record. Every data breach costs businesses more than $8 million on average.

Enterprise systems are being locked by attackers using ransomware attacks. Companies must pay a significant ransom to have their system unlocked. Attacks and data breaches of this nature will continue to rise over time. Employing a cyber-threat intelligence team is one way that companies can safeguard their operations.

Here are a few crucial areas where threat intelligence can enhance firms’ security posture and positively affect their goals.

Boosts the security team’s efficacy

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) helps the security team get ready by identifying potential risks to the enterprise and specifying which threats require a quick response.

By recognizing threats, the technology will help the team work more effectively together so they can concentrate on the most pressing security threats. The system will look after the rest; the security team will only need to check to ensure there weren’t any false positives.

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Processing data

Data collection alone is not sufficient. To facilitate further analysis, it also has to be sorted, arranged, and filtered. At this point, unnecessary, irrelevant, and unreliable information is deleted while metadata tags are introduced. Teams may also interpret information from foreign sources, organize data into spreadsheets, and decrypt encrypted files.

Automation is helpful since performing all these steps manually for millions or even thousands of data points takes time and is prone to error. Correlation rules are provided by Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions to make data structure simpler.

They are constrained in the data types they can accept; hence a robust threat intelligence tool is needed. Platforms for threat intelligence based on ML and NLP are able to classify events and alerts, organize data into entities, and structure text from sources that are in multiple languages. All of these benefits strengthen the company’s threat intelligence program.

Prevent data breaches

By using a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) system; businesses can prevent data leaks. Any suspicious domains or IP addresses that attempt to contact their system will be investigated. A suspect IP address will be blocked from the network by the CTI system.

A CTI system will help businesses stop such IP addressing from stealing their data by blocking or destroying it. Using the CTI system prevents hackers from readily flooding a company’s network with bogus traffic. They can easily carry out a DDoS or denial of service attack, which can seriously harm the business.

Also Read: How Hackers Succeed in Successful Cybercrime Using Cloud Services

Increasing employee effectiveness

The security team companies are currently significantly more efficient and less prone to burnout from alert fatigue thanks to threat intelligence. Threat intelligence must be manually verified and correlated, which takes a lot of time and resources.

Leveraging Threat Intelligence solutions collect and link raw data and threat intelligence streams using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and security automation to operationalize threat intelligence. Businesses can lower the security reaction times and reduce false positives so that their security staff can concentrate on critical things by integrating threat intelligence into the security architecture.

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