How a Modern Cybersecurity Strategy Can Reduce Complexity and Costs  

Cybersecurity Strategy

By updating and integrating the cybersecurity strategy, organizations can minimize complexity, save costs, reduce the stress on cybersecurity professionals, and reduce the danger of external assaults or internal breaches.

Complexity is the bane of security administrators. This is especially true when firms seek to empower a rising remote workforce, the majority of whom have never worked remotely or from home

Complexity increases security costs and risk, placing organizations at a significant disadvantage against adversaries who are increasingly employing automation, machine learning, social engineering, and other modern tools to launch more sophisticated and potentially devastating attacks. As a result of COVID-19 and the shift toward remote work, the need to relieve strain on overburdened cybersecurity teams is rising. A persistent lack of skilled security staff exacerbates a skills gap that continues to deteriorate over time.

Organizations are seeking complete, integrated, end-to-end solutions to assist overworked cybersecurity personnel. By updating and integrating the cybersecurity strategy, firms can minimize complexity, save costs, reduce the stress on cybersecurity professionals, and reduce the danger of external assaults or internal breaches.

Here are some of the key steps:

Modernize Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Teams responsible for access and identity must provide safe access to thousands of apps dispersed across on-premises, public cloud, and private cloud environments as a result of the move to remote work. These teams demand a straightforward solution that can cut through these complexities and implement consistent security and access restrictions across all applications and users.”

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By migrating IAM to the cloud with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD), enterprises can provide users with a single sign-on experience, enabling remote workers to access applications from any location. By automating user provisioning, minimizing policy and vendor management, and eliminating the need to patch and maintain on-premises servers, IT may decrease operating time and costs.

Leverage Unified, Centralized Hybrid Cloud Management

Cloud-based cybersecurity is the future. It makes sense, as cloud delivery is a significantly more effective model for cybersecurity. In the modern world of remote work, it is faster, more responsive to active dangers, safer, and easier to deploy policy, governance, patches, updates, and nearly anything else.

Microsoft has a significant advantage over traditional cybersecurity providers when it comes to cloud management, as its solutions are not only tightly integrated with existing software but also cloud-native and capable of delivering value across numerous public cloud settings.

Azure security services provide an integrated solution that can also be used to safeguard infrastructure in the public cloud and on-premises. Azure Security Center, Azure Network Security, and Azure Sentinel enable clients to save costs, improve operations, and reduce complexity, all while enhancing protection and lowering the risk of data breaches.

Move to a Platform Model with Built-in, Not Bolted-on, Security

Cybersecurity in the current context is multi-layered and multidimensional. It is no longer sufficient to merely protect the perimeter with a firewall; in fact, with remote work and work from home, each user and device constitutes its own perimeter.

With a platform approach, you can transition to a future-ready architecture in which security is built-in and tightly linked with the productivity tools that users are already utilizing, such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Azure AD.

Built-in integration reduces the cost of cybersecurity: The additional software license fees for built-in security and compliance controls are a small fraction of the expense of purchasing hundreds of point products and maintaining them.

Integration also simplifies security administration for administrators by automating updates and patches, coordinating governance and version control, and streamlining on boarding and off boarding.

Also Read: Addressing Complexity to Strengthen Security

Lastly, the platform architecture accelerates access to innovation, making it simpler to enhance automation, implement Zero Trust, and employ improved threat prevention. With an integrated, end-to-end platform, cybersecurity teams and security operations centers can utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence more quickly to save costs, streamline operations, minimize risk, and enhance security.

Taking the Next Step

COVID-19 is a catalyst for the rapid transformation of the workplace in the current day. Therefore, it is important to modernize cybersecurity in order to keep up with the evolving workplace.

By modernizing identity and access management, leveraging hybrid cloud management, and transitioning to an integrated, end-to-end platform paradigm, decision-makers may take proactive measures to safeguard their companies and distant users while also decreasing the burdens on their security teams.

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