Pitfalls of a Zero-trust Security Model

Pitfalls of a Zero-trust Security Model

The zero-trust security model is an ultra-secure defense system against emerging threats. This model utilizes a streamlined authorization system that verifies and reverifies users and devices to maintain solid security.  

As per a recent report by Okta, “The State of Zero Trust Security 2022”, 97% of the organizations plan to have a zero-trust framework in the coming 12-18 months. One of the significant challenges with zero-trust security is that it needs sufficient time, foresight, and effort against malicious threats. While this security model offers advantages, organizations face challenges trying to cater to the zero-trust methodology.

Zero-trust Hinders Productivity

The primary pitfall of the zero-trust model is restricting overall access, resulting in a grinding halt of the workflows. This medium results in a drop in productivity since individuals need access to sensitive data to work, communicate and collaborate. Zero-trust security model necessitates communication across a wide array of data, systems, and users. An organization must streamline these vital aspects to ensure collaboration and productivity can succeed.

Also Read: Okta Announces Interest in Zero-Trust Security is Expediting its Growth.

Zero trust Requires Constant Maintenance and Administration

One overlooked challenge of zero-trust is the need for additional skills, new numbers in teams, and perhaps opting for managed services. The security model offers a vast network of defined authorizations that needs constant upgradation to ensure the right people in an organization are given access. Procuring necessary and up-to-date information requires significant input, which might appear overwhelming to the organization. Cybersecurity teams need to update the controls and permissions as per the employees’ departure to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing sensitive information.

Zero-trust can be Costly

With more workforce and additional security measures, the zero-trust security model can be costly. Organizations can consult with security partners to find solutions that will aid the organization in laying out much investment for the model. At the same time, this collaboration will improve the company’s efficiency and IT security infrastructure.

Zero-trust Mitigates Security Threats with Right Technology

For better management of the security model, the right technology, like efficient authentication services and single-sign-on SaaS platforms, play a crucial role. Organizations need to utilize a technology that adheres to the zero-trust security model without additional labour and is flexible enough to integrate with a wide range of both on-premises and cloud-based platforms. The chosen solution should enable the aggregation of event logs from various sources displaying a summary of events via a unified dashboard.

Legacy System Constraints Zero-trust

Back-fitted legacy systems and applications built with fixed perimeters in mind need to adopt the zero-trust security model faster. Most organizations need help identifying and classifying the data within legacy systems, causing friction when the zero-trust model is added to the legacy environment. These legacy systems must either undergo replacement or require numerous security deployments to protect them. This process can be costly and time-consuming. Companies need to reassess the zero-trust components, which can be added to the legacy systems at multiple levels rolling out more capabilities.

Also Read: Keeper Security Acquires Glyptodon to Provide Zero-Trust Remote Access for IT Admins, SREs and DevOps Teams 

Zero-trust model is preferred within security-conscious organizations since it focuses on securing the assets rather than entry points. To mitigate the inherent pitfalls, companies need to run zero-trust trials by putting them into production through security evaluations.

This will provide the users with experience if the system and the feedback from the team can be utilized to respond to incidents and security issues and to establish future improvements. Training the staff is as important as having the right technology in place. This will allow the team to learn new ways of processing tasks and policies when adopting the zero-trust security model.

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