Reassessing DevSecOps in the Face of Rising High-Profile Security Breaches


Collaboration across operations, security, and development can increase software production efficiency, but some re-evaluations will be necessary.

DevSecOps may not have been the cause of recent high-profile breaches, but discussions about this security aspect are crucial today.

Getting security on board earlier rather than later in the software development cycle is one of the objectives of deploying a DevSecOps methodology. It’s debatable whether or not that results in enhanced security.

Some of the projected benefits of DevSecOps include deployment speed and security baked right in, but it can also require different types of teams to adapt to one another. What if that entails compromising on security in order to deliver software?

Businesses must focus on automation and technologies to enable security engineering to move at the same pace and provide visibility. Microsoft Word documents are no longer used in security engineering to demonstrate how security should be implemented. The potential of DevSecOps may be more fully realized with automation for security.

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DevSecOps Culture Shifts 

It requires focus and awareness to get the components of DevSecOps to align, especially if they are used to working quite independently of one another. For the business unit where the development is actually taking place, security or operations may not actually work.

Teams may become distracted by other work as a result, which may prevent them from making a particular codebase their top priority. Although development teams could have some initial frustrations, the DevSecOps culture has changed to incorporate more security testing. There will be a lot of false positives flagged, resulting in fatigue.

Because it would be far more expensive to make fixes in production after a problem emerges, there needs to be a better understanding between the two parties. Because most security measures are developed in response to existing incidents, they may not be fully informed about emerging threat types. The majority of zero-day vulnerabilities in breaches may be things that businesses didn’t know about, or they may be caused by people.

Every company in IT worldwide must acknowledge that at some point, they may experience a breach that they might not even be aware of for six to twelve months. DevSecOps teams should fully integrate security into their operations so that they can raise issues as they go along.

For the sake of clients, DevSecOps is often linked to CI/CD, under pressure to release features as soon as feasible, which can conflict with another element of the strategy. Security teams want to take their time and ensure that the consumer won’t be put in danger by what they receive.

Importance of Prioritization

In order to prioritize how the enterprise responds, it may be helpful to understand the actual severity of potential risks. Simply put, one cannot respond to everything. They must have a framework that gives DevOps autonomy. Security shouldn’t be looking into every discovery made by DevOps’ software composition tool.

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DevSecOps may not operate as well as it could due to the push to automate everything in IT and security. Before implementing automation, businesses do not take the time to manually comprehend what they are doing.

For instance, operations may not be familiar with the codebase when developers implement automation for operational tasks for the pipeline, which could lead to confusion. They must be present to work together to create it so that everyone can comprehend what is going on.

Similarly, putting security tools in the pipeline while working with teams that are unfamiliar with the codebase might result in misunderstandings and vulnerabilities.

Sometimes security and operations fall under the IT umbrella, and other times they are focused on other business objectives. For a DevSecOps team to attain the level of understanding that is required, they must work together as a team and for that business unit so that their objectives are aligned.

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