Strengthening Cybersecurity Posture after Successful Cloud Migration


The risks of cloud migration can be a little daunting for enterprises, but organizations with an effective cloud cybersecurity posture manage these risks vigilantly.

One of the perfect ways to reduce the risk of cloud is to design, establish and enforce stringent security standards and protocols to minimize the risk on cloud infrastructure. IT business leaders need to ensure they set effective cloud access control policies, Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates, cloud workload vulnerability management tools, and secure DevOps workflows.

Enterprises that lack the capabilities and skills to secure their cloud architectures can consult with industry experts to strengthen their cybersecurity after successful cloud migration. One of the significant ways to streamline cloud processes while transitioning data and other tech stack applications in a secure way.

CISOs can consider the following strategies to improve their cybersecurity posture once they have successfully migrated to the cloud:

Educate the workforce

It is essential for the SecOps teams to create awareness in the workforce about security and empower them with the right cybersecurity tools to stay vigilant. Not all cloud architectures are built with the same algorithm, which leads to unique security gaps that cybercriminals can utilize as a vector to infiltrate the business network.

Based on the gaps in their cloud infrastructure, CISOs can develop an effective cybersecurity posture that creates awareness in the workforce about the security gaps. Cloud enables businesses to scale at an exponential rate while increasing the resources on the cloud infrastructure; it is crucial to educate them about the various social engineering attacks that malicious actors leverage.

CISOs should prioritize implementing automation tools that help them to scale by responding to security threats and challenges effectively, irrespective of how the workflows and resources grow or diversify.

It is one of the most efficient ways to ways to enable cybersecurity analysts to operationalize the security strategies by integrating contextual intelligence tools. Advanced cybersecurity automation tools have become more evolved than before and currently enable businesses to assist with security case management, comprehensive reporting, and collaboration to mitigate threats.

Also Read: 5 Ways Enterprises Can Secure DevOps

Thrive for visibility throughout the IT infrastructure

Defining, enforcing, and measuring cybersecurity visibility throughout the entire IT infrastructure is key to ensuring the data doesn’t fall into cybercriminals’ hands. Organizations need to design and implement cloud-based Security information and event management (SIEM) capabilities for data ingestion, high-performance queries, and an interactive user interface for security operations processes. SecOps teams need robust tools like AI and ML to stay secure in an environment where there is a surge in the number of alerts and logged event incidents.

Also Read: Strengthening Enterprise Cybersecurity Readiness throughout the Supply Chain

Manual processes to track and identify the security threats in a business network will result in missing out on critical threats that can have devastating impacts. CISOs should consider integrating tools that will enable them to minimize the number of false positives, accelerates investigation and response, and help the SecOps teams to reduce alert fatigue.

Enterprises need to have a stringent cybersecurity posture with robust tools and resources that help to drive better security outcomes. Securing the cloud infrastructure from various modern threats requires organizations to have the required tech stack and resources to keep the malicious actors away from the business network.

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