Strengthening Enterprise Cybersecurity Readiness throughout the Supply Chain

Enterprise Cybersecurity

Successful full-blown attacks on supply chains can have devastating impacts on business operations. Cybercriminals are looking out for opportunities that they can use as vectors to infiltrate the IT infrastructure and disrupt the workflow. Enterprise Cybersecurity Readiness is critical today.

According to the report released by Venafi in 2022, nearly 82% of the survey respondents say they are vulnerable to supply chain attacks.

Irrespective of what stage or efficiency of the digital transformation the enterprise is, migrating to a cloud and other agile cost-friendly applications has exposed the entire supply chain to various threats and vulnerabilities.

Successful full-blown attacks on supply chains can have devastating impacts on business operations. Cybercriminals are looking out for opportunities that they can use as vectors to infiltrate the IT infrastructure and disrupt the workflow.

Another recent report published by Plex titled “The State of Smart Manufacturing: Security” suggests that the manufacturing industry accounted for approximately 65% of ransomware attacks in 2021. This study also highlights that nearly 61% of the survey respondents do not even have a strategic response plan to manage operational disruptions efficiently.

CISOs should consider enforcing the best cybersecurity postures to ingrain resiliency in their supply chain and prevent them from sophisticated cyber threats and risks.

Also Read: Strategies to Secure IT Infrastructure from Ransomware Attacks Stemming from Third-Party Vendors

SecOps teams can follow the below strategies to strengthen their enterprise cybersecurity readiness throughout their supply chain:

Determine the key stakeholders

Businesses that aim to improve the organization’s preparedness for cybersecurity need to identify decision-makers and privileged users that have access to sensitive business information and critical assets.

Identifying these users and implementing a cybersecurity strategy that protects these users from various threats is crucial. CISOs should consider developing a security posture that includes the adoption of data inventory, privileged access management (PAM), and data lifecycle management.

SecOps teams need to understand the gaps in the entire supply chain and design a response plan to mitigate all the operational cyber threats and risks.

Optimize the security spending in supply chain management

CISOs should consider optimizing the cybersecurity spending to secure the supply chain by implementing robust tools that develop resiliency in their process.

Businesses need to design and implement the best strategies to adapt to the modern threat landscape and mitigate the threats in real time. SecOps teams can evaluate the entire supply chain to identify the potential threats and what implications it has on the business workflows.

Also Read: The Key to Making Cybersecurity Fit How Employees Work

Implement the best cybersecurity tech stack

The cybersecurity market is filled with multiple robust tools that businesses can leverage to strengthen their entire operations IT infrastructure. However, not every tool will have the capability to secure the end-to-end supply chain efficiently. CISOs should consider evaluating their need and exploring, analyzing, and choosing the best tools that help them to meet their cybersecurity needs.

Keep the entire supply chain workforce in the loop

Modern businesses today have intricate procurement, manufacturing, and delivery processes that have multiple gaps that expose the IT infrastructure to various threats and risks. There are multiple third-party vendors, workforce, partners, and customers in a supply chain that can expose the business network to various threats.

Cybercriminals‘ can use third-party vendors and partners integrated into the business network as vectors to infiltrate the core IT infrastructure. Educating all users on how to secure the supply chain is essential for all organizations.

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