Allegheny Intermediate Unit Notice of Security Incident

Allegheny Intermediate Unit Notice of Security Incident

Allegheny Intermediate Unit (the “AIU”) announced today a ransomware incident involving files maintained in its computer environment.

The ransomware incident resulted in unauthorized access to certain information about some current and former employees, as well as their dependents and beneficiaries (if they participated in the AIU’s health or other benefit plans), and sole proprietor vendors who received an IRS Form 1099 from the AIU (for tax years 2013 through 2020). The information in the files included names, addresses, email addresses, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers.

The AIU is releasing this notice to inform individuals of this incident and provide some recommendations on ways to protect personal information.

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Individuals who are concerned that their personal information may have been accessed during the incident should visit the AIU‘s website. The AIU’s website contains information regarding steps that individuals can take to help protect their personal information.

To further protect personal information, the AIU has implemented additional security measures to enhance the security of its network. These enhancements include a multifactor authentication system, advanced endpoint threat detection, other monitoring and rapid-response tools, and increased use of cloud-based applications.

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