Digital Shadows announces new capabilities to identify and remediate unwanted code exposure

Digital Shadows announces new capabilities to identify and remediate unwanted code exposure

Digital Shadows, the leader in digital risk protection, has today announced new capabilities within its SearchLight™ solution to rapidly identify and remediate risks related to unwanted code exposure. The digitization of software development and increased usage of  public repositories has elevated this issue to critical levels. The recent Verizon Data Breach Incident Report 2020 states that errors are now more common than malware in data breach incidents. While misconfigurations accounted for 20% of all error varieties in 2018, this doubled to over 40%  in 2019.

The new ‘Unauthorized Commit Alert’ service within SearchLight, alerts organizations to unauthorized commits to public code repositories. This builds on SearchLight’s market-leading data leakage capability.

SearchLight continually monitors for where an organization’s assets (such as domains, IP ranges, and other identifiers) are exposed across sites like GitHub and GitLab. By immediately flagging where exposure occurs, organizations can take the action needed to remove or mitigate the risk. Armed with these rich context insights, Digital Shadows makes it easier for teams to triage alerts much faster.

Read More : Importance of thick data over big data for organizations

Alerts are populated with rich insights, so teams can triage data more effectively:

  • Intuitive design with a comprehensive overview, allows teams to quickly identify who committed, when and to what source.
  • Advanced configuration options which reduce inundating teams with ‘noise’
  • Immediate context of the committer’s history and other areas of exposure.

Russell Bentley, VP Product at Digital Shadows comments: “Misconfigurations and oversharing are two specific challenges that we hear from organizations. It feels like every week we hear about another database that is discovered with customer records exposed. And it’s happening because engineering teams are inadvertently misconfiguring their code repositories or databases which exposes their contents to the public.

Bentley continues: “SearchLight provides security teams with the visibility they need to quickly identify and fix these issues before they damage the organizations and brand.”

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