Untangle Simplifies SD-WAN Setup with Command Center Release

Untangle Simplifies SD-WAN Setup with Command Center Release-01

Untangle® Inc., a leader in comprehensive network security for small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) and distributed enterprises, today announced the latest enhancements to its award-winning Command Center.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and their customers can now deploy and automatically connect network appliances – like Untangle NG Firewalls and SD-WAN Routers – directly from Command Center, from any location.

Command Center streamlines the setup and management of networks that have multiple appliances saving administrators time and reduces the complexity of connecting remote offices by automatically creating secure connections between appliances in a network.

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According to the SMB IT Security Report, 78 percent of SMB employees are temporarily working remotely with an anticipated 56 percent suggesting some positions will be permanently remote moving forward. Further, 48 percent are already operating in more than two locations.

Organizations with many geographically dispersed networks often require encrypted connectivity between offices to facilitate secure remote access to digital resources over wide area networks. The typical solution uses manually configured individual VPN tunnels to connect offices, but this can quickly become time consuming and complex to configure as the network grows and locations are added on.

With Command Center, Untangle’s centralized cloud based management platform, MSPs and their customers can automatically connect devices via WireGuard VPN in different locations to easily build a network. Command Center allows administrators to not only quickly connect remote offices together, but also to easily monitor and manage the entire network to ensure all locations are connected and protected.

“Untangle has been focusing on giving our partners and customers all the tools they need to protect themselves from the types of cybersecurity attacks and breaches that are headlining news more and more frequently,” said Heather Paunet, SVP of Product and Marketing at Untangle.

“Centrally managed networks with Untangle takes away the manual work of connecting offices together securely. Untangle Command Center simply needs to know what to connect, and it abstracts all the hard work so that administrators can relax as their network is provisioned for them.”

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