NSA Warns Smartphones Location Data Leakage

Location Data Leakage

NSA is now becoming known for its own questionable surveillance activity which advances on how mobile users can limit the ability of others to track where they are.

Mobile devices expose critical location data in more ways than most people might imagine, and turning off services such as Wi-Fi, Find My Phone, and Bluetooth can help mitigate tracking, but there is no silver bullet that can prevent third parties from tracking users – confirmed the National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. top spy division.

Indeed, cybercriminals have been acknowledged to take advantage of the ability of smartphones to highlight a person’s location in the form of security threats, including spyware, stalkerware, or other socially-engineered phishing scams.

The agency seems to be creating a 180-degree turn to help people protect themselves and hide the location data from the threat actors.

Source: Threatpost