Takedown of GitHub Repositories Disrupts RedLine Malware Operations

Takedown of GitHub Repositories Disrupts RedLine Malware Operations

According to cybersecurity company ESET, the RedLine information thief’s operations have been halted as a result of the removal of GitHub repositories used by the malware’s command and control servers.

The RedLine stealer is a piece of common malware written in.NET that has been active since at least early 2020 and has a wide range of data exfiltration capabilities. The malware targets system data, cookies and other browser data, login information for different applications and services, credit card data, and cryptocurrency wallets.

RedLine, a stealer-as-a-service product, was observed being offered by 23 of the 34 Russian-speaking organizations that distributed infostealers in the previous year.

Read More: Takedown of GitHub Repositories Disrupts RedLine Malware Operations

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