DDoS Protection: The Top Three Things to Look for

DDoS Protection The Top Three Things to Look for

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is more than just having greater bandwidth or bigger infrastructure expenditures, thus the factors to consider when selecting DDoS protection services must go far beyond those.

DDoS is one of the most serious internet risks that modern businesses face. According to Coxblue, DDoS assaults have surged 2.5 times in frequency in the previous three years, making them more common than ever.

DDoS attacks are progressively deceitful, complex, and vicious attacks on websites/ web applications that deplete computing resources to render the websites/ web applications unavailable to genuine users, and attackers frequently use the downtimes as a guard/ smokescreen for other malicious activities. Choosing the correct DDoS protection is critical for all sorts of businesses, as it may drastically reduce the danger of such attacks and save millions of dollars. Even if firms believe they are insignificant or low-risk, and hence impervious to such attacks.

Let’s look at some of the major elements that will help companies select the best solution/service and avoid becoming victims of DDoS assaults.

Personalization and flexibility

Protection from DDoS attacks is strongly reliant on the capacity of the DDoS mitigation service to tailor rules based on the workflow and the solution to their individual requirements because every organization has distinct demands and risk/threat profiles. For example, if the company isn’t focused on European markets, the website shouldn’t accept requests from people from those regions, reducing the attack surface.

Flexibility is also important when it comes to combat DDoS attacks. Businesses must choose a solution that is intelligent and flexible enough to change rules/policies in real-time based on factual insights and traffic pattern analysis or to present users with a CAPTCHA challenge to make sure they are not bots, or to trigger rate-based rules if a user surpasses a fixed threshold of requests from a single user.

Also Read: Three Major Reasons Why DDoS Protection Fails

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all 

The ability to adjust the DDoS mitigation solution to the organization’s needs, network architecture, threat profile and budget requires flexibility in deployment approaches. Depending on where the application is housed (data center, public cloud, etc.) and its susceptibility to delays and latency, the suitable deployment strategy – hybrid, on-demand, or always-on cloud protection will differ for each of the applications. Finding the correct deployment for every application as part of a single vendor, the holistic solution will drive DDoS protection efficiency and consistency.

Financial considerations

Budgetary considerations are critical when selecting a DDoS mitigation solution. Businesses must include in their infrastructure investments, employee expenses, overheads, support, and training costs, as well as the cost of the solution, to find a solution that meets their needs while staying within their budgetary limits. 

They must examine the inclusions and exclusions of various DDoS mitigation systems carefully. Also, check for any hidden expenses, such as prevention, customization, support, updates, and post-attack cleanup. To put it another way, businesses must be sure the service provider they chose is trustworthy and open. Businesses do not want to be caught off guard in the event of an attack or threat.

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