Four Must-Have Anti-Ransomware Solutions

Four Must-Have Anti-Ransomware Solutions

With 66% of firms reporting an attack in 2023, ransomware remains a top cyber threat, as per cyber threat, as per Sophos report, The State of Ransomware 2023. Ransomware disrupts business operations and leads to financial losses. It is critical for enterprises to deploy robust solutions to understand the attack’s scope, restore affected systems, and implement measures to prevent future incidents.

Stages of attack from ransomware and what can be done to prevent it, in brief.

  • Intrusion 

This is when a user visits a malicious website or opens an infected email. A secure web gateway (SWG) and secure email gateway (SEG) can prevent such intrusions. Also, network segmentation can help reduce the impact of the breach.

Honeypots and other deception techniques can also be used to identify ransomware.

  • Compromise 

In this stage, the attacker deploys ransomware on connected devices within the target network. Endpoint protection platforms (EPP) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions help defend against active attacks.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) response services can also help if the in-house team lacks the necessary expertise for EDR.

  • Control and Tunneling

In the third stage, the infected system receives instructions via a command and control channel. Network discovery and response tools can identify and block this channel, including secure web gateways and DNS security solutions.

In the tunneling stage, the attacker attempts to move laterally within the target network after deploying the ransomware.

Network segmentation and endpoint firewalls can limit the attacker’s lateral movement. Automated vulnerability management (VM) and patching systems can prevent such attacks.

To effectively fight ransomware, deploying a multi-layered security strategy at every stage is essential. Enterprises can integrate these solutions from the initial intrusion to the final control and tunneling phases. This way, they can greatly enhance the firm’s resilience against these threats.

Then, firms can prepare their defenses, mitigate risks, and ensure the safety and integrity of their data and systems.

Must-have anti-ransomware solutions:

  1. EDR Solutions

EDR solutions focus on monitoring and responding to ransomware threats at the endpoint like workstations, servers, and mobile devices. EDR tools can analyze and record endpoint activities to identify suspicious behaviors. These anomalies could indicate a ransomware attack in progress or a coming threat.

  • EDR tools detect anomalies that may signify a ransomware attack, such as unusual encryption activities or modifications to system files.
  • These solutions use advanced algorithms and ML models to classify detected threats based on their behavior and known characteristics.
  • EDR solutions can automatically initiate responses to contain and mitigate the threat upon detecting a ransomware attack. This may include isolating affected endpoints, terminating malicious processes, and rolling back malicious changes. This will help to restore files to their pre-attack state.
  • EDR tools provide detailed forensic analysis. It allows firms to investigate how the ransomware infiltrated the network. This post-attack analysis is crucial for understanding attack vectors, strengthening security postures, and preventing future incidents.
  • These solutions integrate seamlessly with other security tools, enhancing the overall security framework and ensuring comprehensive protection against ransomware and other cyber threats.

EDR tools equip firms to stop ransomware threats and enhance their cybersecurity resilience, by offering real-time monitoring and in-depth forensic analysis.

  1. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Solutions 

MDR solutions focus on detecting, responding to, and preventing cyber threats, including ransomware. These solutions go beyond traditional cybersecurity measures. They offer round-the-clock monitoring and analysis. It identifies potential threats quickly and accurately using AI, ML, and behavioral analytics.

With MDR, firms can get access to a team of cybersecurity experts who can offer guidance and support during and after an incident. This includes implementing best ransomware prevention practices, such as regular backups, patch management, and employee training.

  • MDR solutions are responsible for monitoring network traffic, endpoints, and system logs for indicators of compromise.
  • In the event of a detected threat, the MDR tools can help isolate affected systems. This way, they can mitigate the danger and assist with recovery efforts.
  • By identifying and addressing gaps in the network, MDR solutions help protect sensitive data. It ensures business continuity by minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.
  • MDR solutions offer detailed reporting and analytics. It provides firms with insights into their security posture and the effectiveness of their cybersecurity strategies. This insight is crucial for ongoing risk management and informed security investment decisions.

MDR solutions represent a dynamic and proactive approach to preventing ransomware. These solutions offer a robust defense mechanism, helping firms to operate confidently.

  1. IPS, NTA, and NDR Solutions

  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

IPS is designed to deny network traffic based on a security profile. These solutions prevent ransomware attacks because they can detect and block vulnerabilities.

IPS can avoid the initial compromise that leads to ransomware infections. Continuously monitoring the network for suspicious activities and known attack patterns will help to do that.

Also Read: How to Protect Backups from Ransomware

  • Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)

NTA solutions look closely at how data moves in and out of a network to spot abnormal activity. It checks the data flow for signs of trouble. These could be unexpected large data encryption or odd data movements. This could actually indicate an impending or ongoing ransomware attack.

  • Network Detection and Response (NDR) 

NDR solutions monitor network traffic to detect and stop threats that other security measures might miss. They’re good at finding and stopping ransomware from spreading in a network.

They use smart tech like machine learning and AI to spot unusual activity that might indicate a breach. When they find a threat, they quickly act to stop the attack and keep it from spreading. This fast action helps reduce the damage caused by ransomware attacks.

IPS, NTA, and NDR together make a strong defense against ransomware. They help protect networks better, making it harder for hackers to attack successfully. Though no single method can entirely stop ransomware, using these three together lowers the chance of an attack working.

  1. Deception Solutions

Deception tools create fake traps or decoys, like fake network resources, systems, or data, to trick attackers. For instance, firms might set up phony admin accounts that look real. When attackers try to break into these accounts, the security team is alerted, allowing them to act quickly.

Another important deception tool is the honeypot. Honeypots are fake systems that bait attackers. When attackers fall for it and try to breach these systems, the security team can analyze the attack pattern and obtain valuable facts about the attackers’ methods and tools.

Deception strategies also include using fake documents, databases, or even whole infrastructures to mislead attackers. This keeps them away from valuable assets and gives the security team time to respond.

By using deception, security teams can fight against cyber threats, turning the attackers’ methods against them. This approach improves the firm’s ability to detect and respond to cyber threats, strengthening its security.


Firms require robust solutions and a layered approach to fight ransomware. EDR and MDR closely watch and protect each endpoint. MDR monitors your systems around the clock, offering expert advice to prevent future attacks.

Combining these solutions with other security steps helps fight current threats and improves security over time.

Staying updated with the latest security tech is the best way to defend against such threats.

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