How the Global Digitalization Has Changed the Future of Cyber-Security

How the Global Digitalization Has Changed the Future of Cyber-Security

Cloud-based technologies will remain the mainstays for enterprises’ cyber-security investments along with more zero-trust business architecture.

Given the current market scenario, cybersecurity is one of the top business priorities to succeed. The ongoing trend of remote working for more than a year now is highlighting new cyber risks globally.

Certainly, cybercriminals are now opportunistic and taking advantage of this sensitive situation. Hence, enterprises are pressurized with more security intimidation with the point of view of remote work appearing indefinitely.

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This has led businesses globally to re-prioritize their technology and security investments while tracking projects that are aimed at shoring up cyber security. A recent Microsoft study has surveyed around 800 business and IT leaders from Germany, India, the UK and the US, to analyze and comprehend how the pandemic has been or will influence the cyber-security landscape with time. It includes businesses’ goals and plans for IT investments, budgets, as well as staffing.

Microsoft indicated that this crisis is accelerating the digital transformation of cyber security plans across businesses. Most enterprises today are dependent on advanced technology and cloud solutions to secure their data.

Simply put, this unprecedented time is driving the future of cyber-security. The study showed that successful phishing attacks had been reported in significantly higher numbers from different companies.

Alongside, nearly 40% of businesses indicated that they have been prioritizing cloud security investments to decrease the risk of attacks. It is followed by information and data security (28%) as well as anti-phishing tools (26%) measures.

Overall, this crisis has highlighted the requirement for integrated security spanning endpoints in the cloud server. This has made cloud a significant subset of a company’s upcoming cyber security investments.

The Zero Trust Security Has Been a Priority Since 2020

Ever since the pandemic started, zero-trust security approach has shifted to becoming a priority from an option and this trend will continue. Security leaders are trying to get a hold on the influx of the potentially unsecured devices logging into their corporate networks from different remote locations.

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Cyber security will be an integral part of most of the business processes – provided remote working models continue as anticipated predicted. According to Microsoft, cloud-based technology can make it simpler for businesses to plan out cyber threats as well as contingency plans.

Therefore, to ensure security resiliency in this era, businesses will need to evaluate their risk on a daily basis. Besides, their capability to execute cyber security strategies should incorporate the combination of human intelligence and smart technology.

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