Vulnerability Management Exhaustion Caused by Non-Exploitable Vulnerabilities


Rezilion, a vulnerability management company, commissioned Ponemon Institute to conduct research on the current state of vulnerability management in light of the known difficulties in timely patching and the escalating a number of new vulnerabilities, that must be patched or otherwise mitigated.

The issue may stem from one of the research’s most significant findings: companies face a backlog of 100,000 system vulnerabilities. In fact, 85 percent of them cannot or cannot realistically be exploited. However, 15,000 remaining vulnerabilities is an alarming figure.

The most important takeaway from all the statistics uncovered by the research is that respondents believe they lack the necessary tools to solve the problem, and that automation is the only viable solution.

Read More: Vulnerability Management Fatigue Fueled by Non-Exploitable Bugs

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