How Cross-Operational Teams Strengthen Security Posture


When companies prioritize a security culture that is a robust, rigorous people-first risk management strategy, they’re better equipped to ward off cybersecurity threats

Today’s cybercrime is evolving into a highly participatory team activity. Cross-operational or cross-functional security teams are being established by some corporations to recognize this formally. Cyberattacks have gotten too complicated for any individual threat intelligence team to go at it alone.

Defenders need the breadth and scale of a collaborative group to provide multi-faceted, 360-degree views of attacks for optimal defenses.

Including goalies

In a recent study commissioned by data management startup Cohesity, 81% of decision-makers in IT and security operations (SecOps) agreed that IT and SecOps should look at the very least share responsibility for their organization’s data security policy.

A quarter of the participants did, however, claim that there was little effective group collaboration. Furthermore, despite an increase in cyberattacks, 40% of respondents claimed their collaboration with one another has not changed.

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According to experts, this is still the case in all businesses. However, cross-operational teams should be mandatory since they can find, gather, and analyze predicted real-time, real-world threat intelligence. This enables them to react to persistent, well-organized, developing threat actors more swiftly and at a larger scale. The adversary community has worked out how to cooperate in commoditizing some aspects of attacks while developing new techniques for avoiding detection and mass-exploiting software flaws.

The SOC of tomorrow

Modern cybersecurity demands strong internal and external coordination at all levels. For a good reason, cybersecurity specialists are driven to accelerate detection and response times. The network can be breached and disguised at numerous points in the attack chain. Companies have limited time to identify and thwart intruders at various points along the attack chain.

The idea of a security operations center (SOC) assisted by artificial intelligence (AI) delivers appropriate defensive actions and anticipates the intents of security analysts. Effective AI requires constant feedback loops between models and the operators it is intended to help as well as access to curated or well-labeled data in addition to vast amounts of data.

Healing security pain points

Software developers, automation engineers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, cloud infrastructure engineers, incident responders, data engineers, and scientists should all be included in scalable end-to-end security operations, creating an organizational structure that avoids silos. The difficulty of obtaining the correct intelligence but having trouble getting that information to the appropriate people at the right time for the right use is a significant pain issue inside cybersecurity—and basically any intelligence operation.

Every day, enormous amounts of data are transferred between businesses. This data includes commercial, industrial, and personal information as well as financial data. To assist stop this, multidisciplinary teams integrate security operations (SecOps), IT operations, and other pertinent departments.

While those ultimately sitting at the table depend on an organization’s size as well as its industry, while forming an effective cross-functional team, think about all the stakeholders linked with the organization’s data compliance.

A chief compliance officer, chief HR officer, CIO, CISO, chief privacy officer, chief risk officer, and general counsel are possible additions to this group. Someone who can serve as the group’s “champion” and clearly convey expectations and goals is a unifying force. Because each partner ultimately has their own priorities and goals, executive support is crucial.

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Trust, communication, diversity

Another essential component for cross-functional teams to function effectively is trust. Cross-team efforts falter and stall when it is absent. Therefore, it is the responsibility of CEOs and specific team leaders to build trust and encourage buy-in among all stakeholders. It’s important to forge connections while promoting competence, openness, transparency, and justice.

Effective communication through frequent touchpoints, which provide everyone the chance to ask for feedback, offer an opinion, reaffirm priorities, and keep everyone informed and up to date, is also essential. Using the data gathered to understand how various organizational areas affect one another helps keep firms in compliance with regulations.

Building a diverse workforce allows firms to benefit from many viewpoints operating off of hard data, shared ideas, and facts to spur innovation and better decision-making. Security is everyone’s responsibility. Cross-team cooperation helps teams respond more swiftly to cybersecurity threats, increase resilience, lower risk, and, most importantly, foster innovative relationships.

Executive leadership must prioritize security, who must define goals, present them to boards that hold them accountable, and monitor progress over time. Businesses that prioritize a security culture or a strong, strict people-first risk management policy are better able to defend against cybersecurity threats.

By implementing a cross-team strategy, teams are better equipped to reinforce priorities and encourage accountability from all departments and stakeholders.

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